Danuwatọ lẹ dó azọ́nwhé INEC tọn miyọn
Oguzangbe, Abọ̀húsun 29, 2022
Danuwatọ lẹ ko dó azọ́nwhé Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) tọn he tin to Lẹdo Gandudu Dokọ̀ tọn ayimatẹn Ebonyi tọn miyọn.
Festus Okoye he yin Azinponọ na INEC, Nudọnamẹ po Wedegbẹ́ he nọ penukundo nuplọnmẹ vòbibla tọn go po wẹ do ehe hia to nọtẹn intẹnẹt tọn ji.
Asisa lẹ
[jlado | jla asisado]- Omeiza Ajayi. "Hoodlums set Ebonyi INEC office ablaze". — Vanguard. November 29, 2022