Buhari na avase akọta jonọ tọn lẹ nado nọla na nuwiwa Naijilia tọn po vòbibla he ja to nukọn mẹ po
Sibigbe, Alunlunsun 14, 2023
Togán Muhammadu Buhari na avase akọta jonọ lẹ to osọ he wayi nado nọla na vòbibla Naijilia tọn. Togán na avase ehe to Yọnnuzangbe to whenue e mọ wekanhlanmẹ nujọnu tọn de sọn Afọzedaitọ Sweden, Switzerland, Republic of Ireland, Kingdom of Thailand, Republic of Senegal po Republic of South Sudan tọn po to Abuja.
Asisa lẹ
[jlado | jla asisado]- Johnbosco Agbakwuru. "Polls: Buhari warns foreign missions to steer clear of Nigeria’s internal affairs". — Vanguard. January 13, 2023