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Bala Mohammed dọ emi ko kọnawudopọ podo Wike, Ortom, ayimatẹn-gán PDP tọn he to adán ji lẹ po

Sọn Wikilinlin

Ahọluzangbe, Abọ̀húsun 11, 2022

Ayimatẹn-gán Bauchi tọn, Bala Mohammed ko dọ emi ko kọnawudopọ podo ayimatẹn-gán PDP tọn he to adán ji lẹ po. Mohammed dọ ehe to azangaagbe whenue ayimatẹn-gán he to adan ji ehelẹ basi dlapọn na ẹn wa ayimatẹn Bauchi tọn, e sọ dọmọ, emi má obu po tukla emitọn po hẹ ayimatẹn-gán lọ lẹ po to dlapọn lọ whenu.

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