Awhàngbigba mítọn na dohia bẹjẹeji Naijilia yọyọ de tọn wẹ Peter Obi dọ
Tẹnigbe, Afínplọsun 13, 2023
To Sibigbe, mẹhe jlo na lẹzun togán sọn tonudọgbẹ́ Labour Party (LP) tọn, Mẹdaho Peter Obi dọ dọ awhàngbigba to vòbibla togán tọn he na wa aimẹ to azán 25tọ Afínplọsun na dohia bẹjẹeji Naijilia yọyọ de tọn. Obi po Mẹbọdomẹgotọ etọn Dr Datti Baba-Ahmed po mẹhe jlo na lẹzun ogán lẹ po dọ ehe to nujijla vòbibla tọn de whenu to Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS), Awọnlin.
Asisa lẹ
[jlado | jla asisado]- Chimezie Godfrey. "Our victory’ll mark beginning of new Nigeria – Obi". — News Diary. February 12, 2023