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Atiku dọ dọ emi ma sọgan mọnukunnujẹ nuwiwa Boko Haram tọn mẹ

Sọn Wikilinlin

Oguzangbe, Awewesun 13, 2022

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Hoyido-kanji ehe yin bibasi sọn vọjlado nukinkan tọn mẹ he yin bibasi to 13-12-2022, enẹwutu e ma sọgan dó vọjlado dìn tọn hia todin.

Atiku Abubakar he jlo na lẹzun togán sọn tonudọgbẹ́ Peoples Democratic Party tọn mẹ ko dọ dọ emi ma mọnukunnujẹ nuwiwa Boko Haram tọn mẹ, bo doavihàn dọ mahopọnna vivẹnudido Awhànpa Naijilia tọn, danuwiwa yétọn ma doalọte.

Atiku dọ ohó ehe to sẹgbe to opli tohọ tọn he yin bibasi jẹnukọnna vòbibla 2023 tọn he yin didohia to zomọ nupinpọn tọn ji to Sẹgbe.

Asisa lẹ

[jlado | jla asisado]